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When I made the decision to stay at home with my little Fletcher bear, I always knew I wanted to do something else alongside being "just a mum". By the time life with a new baby had settled down into what we now consider normal, I dug out my childhood sewing machine and started to make some clothes for a 6 month old Fletcher. I always found boy baby clothes on the High Street so dull and obvious. Of course there's a place for diggers and cars (our house is full of them!) but can't Fletcher have t-shirts with something else on? I love bright colour combinations, chevrons, arrows, stylised animals, industrial textures... and I wanted them on Fletcher's clothes too. So Little Bear Bots was born with a simple dress (how ironic) and customisation of our beloved hybrid cloth nappy brand gNappies. And it has all grown from there.


I love combining bold colours and interesting patterns, and try to bring that to a lot of my clothes. I also love experimenting with new ideas and I like a challenge. The idea of repurposing clothes and other fabrics has become a big passion of mine too, and the concept of helping to contribute to circular economy. Partly because of my work customising and up-cycling gNappies but also wanting to get more use out of beloved items of Fletcher's out of which he so quickly grows. Some things seem too precious to be thrown away but a waste to have sitting in a box un-used; why not get as much use as possile out of something you love! 


Love it. Wear it. Little Bear it!



Little Bear Bots paw
Amy and Fletcher, founder and inspiration for Little Bear Bots




North Yorkshire



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